Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So Monday I went and saw the Doctor and she prescribed me to see a physical therapist and so today I went. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You hear stories how they work you till you are in pain other places besides the pain you are origionally feeling. For my visit today I got to have a TENS Unit then an Ultra sound and then a seated chair massage!! They both found that I have deep tissue inssues so on friday they are gonna work a little deeper...UGH!
Right now I feel sooo helpless I never am the person to let other people help me out I am always the person who is willing to help others out. And I think that God allowed this to happen so that I let people help me. Its sooo hard to let go of my pride!
Now at the same time I am going thru all this my mother in law Terri is going thru another run around with the problems with her feet. She had another toe amputated due to the infection her body doesn't want to get rid of. Because of this she may have to have one of her legs taken too. She had a surgery today to take out the screws in her foot where the infection is. So please pray for her and Jason's family. They are all going thru this in their own ways but its hard on them all as this has been going on for a year and a half now. I am not sure of her Salvation but I know the rest of the family except for Joe and Becky are not saved! And this is giving me grief because I am not there to help her out! As much as the other times always discouraged me I still felt the need to be there for her!! But then again I am here and she is there and all I can control is my prayer life and just be diligent in praying for her!
Because HE Lives!!!


God Made Playdough said...

Wow, PT?! I bet the Tens made you feel a little better. I hope so. I'm still praying for you! Love you!

Ryan and Stephanie said...

Hi Wendy,
I got your message the other day. I just haven't been able to get on and reply. I just wanted to let you know again (and I'm sorry if I'm coming on too strong) that the chirpractor can do much more than a physical therapist. I went to a physical therapist at first, but your muscles can't heal until your bones are in the right place. Your physical therapist will never refer you to a chiropractor because they are in competition with each other. I suggest getting a little bit of both. Besides chiropractors are cheaper.
I hope you start feeling better soon! I also hope your insurance company is treating you well.