Thursday, September 20, 2007

God has reason's for EVERYTHING!!!

So today I was on my way to make a delivery for work and I pulled out into traffic and was tboned. I must have miss judged the oncoming vehical cuz obviously I got hit. It totaled my car. They had to use the Jaws of Life to pry open my door. I was hit on the driver side. I got to take my first ride in an Ambulance but no bells and whistles though just a bumpy ride. The streets here in Redmond are not very well maintained. But after xrays and stuff I have a broken rib(my first broken bone), my left arm is all bruised up, a cut on my eyelid, bruise on my thigh, Road rash on my head (like a rug burn) and whiplash ! OH the joy!! The other driver was fine but his BMW was totalled too soooooo......I don't know what to do now but to leave it ALL to God!! He has His reasons for everything He even devoted a chapter in the bible in Ecclesiastes about there being a time for EVERYTHING!!! Just keep me in your prayers for a quick recovery!!
pictures to come :0)

1 comment:

God Made Playdough said...

I'm sorry I missed your call today. I was at the fair, you know how noisy that is. Then we went to Ben and Heather's for dinner, then Becky came over. I figured it was probably too late to call you. I'm praying for you! Love you!