Sunday, September 23, 2007

Speechless Pictures

I am soooooo blessed I only sustained a broken rib, a severly bruised left arm, whiplash and cuts and bruises!!! Emotionally I am a wreck but with this past year I have learned to just give it all to God!!! I am THANKFUL that I was driving a SUV rather than the Toyota Carolla I had before I got this car because I don't think I would be here showing my heartache!!! Please keep me in your prayers for physical and emotional pain!! Love, hugs and prayers to you all~Because HE LIVES~Wendy


Jessica said...

I am so glad you are ok!!!!!

God Made Playdough said...

I'm still praying! Those pictures are crazy! I still can't find my directory to give you that email address! I'll get it to you eventually! Love you!

Ryan and Stephanie said...

Wendy, make sure you see a chiropractor about that whiplash. If you don't it will cost you more than you think. Chiropractors are also a lot cheaper and more practical than regualar physicians.
I was hit by a semi-truck a little over a year ago and it took me 4 months to get to the chiropractor. Once I finally went, my muscles had already healed around my misaligned back. So it took a lot longer for me to heal than it should have.
I also ended up getting a lawer because my insurance refused to pay even though it was a hit and run. They should pay more than they are. Once my insurance company saw that I had a lawer I started seeing checks in the mail almost immediately!
Please do yourself a favor and see the chiropractor as soon as possible.