So Monday I went and saw the Doctor and she prescribed me to see a physical therapist and so today I went. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. You hear stories how they work you till you are in pain other places besides the pain you are origionally feeling. For my visit today I got to have a TENS Unit then an Ultra sound and then a seated chair massage!! They both found that I have deep tissue inssues so on friday they are gonna work a little deeper...UGH!
Right now I feel sooo helpless I never am the person to let other people help me out I am always the person who is willing to help others out. And I think that God allowed this to happen so that I let people help me. Its sooo hard to let go of my pride!
Now at the same time I am going thru all this my mother in law Terri is going thru another run around with the problems with her feet. She had another toe amputated due to the infection her body doesn't want to get rid of. Because of this she may have to have one of her legs taken too. She had a surgery today to take out the screws in her foot where the infection is. So please pray for her and Jason's family. They are all going thru this in their own ways but its hard on them all as this has been going on for a year and a half now. I am not sure of her Salvation but I know the rest of the family except for Joe and Becky are not saved! And this is giving me grief because I am not there to help her out! As much as the other times always discouraged me I still felt the need to be there for her!! But then again I am here and she is there and all I can control is my prayer life and just be diligent in praying for her!
Because HE Lives!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Speechless Pictures
I am soooooo blessed I only sustained a broken rib, a severly bruised left arm, whiplash and cuts and bruises!!! Emotionally I am a wreck but with this past year I have learned to just give it all to God!!! I am THANKFUL that I was driving a SUV rather than the Toyota Carolla I had before I got this car because I don't think I would be here showing my heartache!!! Please keep me in your prayers for physical and emotional pain!! Love, hugs and prayers to you all~Because HE LIVES~Wendy
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A Poem
"The desert"
By Grace L. Lawson
One lone tree, stark against the sky.
The rolling hills, Sentinales, seeking out it's company
Sagebrush in profusion
lift theirfaces plain.
All wait expectantly for that
first drop of rain
Enjoy this as much as I did!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
God has reason's for EVERYTHING!!!
So today I was on my way to make a delivery for work and I pulled out into traffic and was tboned. I must have miss judged the oncoming vehical cuz obviously I got hit. It totaled my car. They had to use the Jaws of Life to pry open my door. I was hit on the driver side. I got to take my first ride in an Ambulance but no bells and whistles though just a bumpy ride. The streets here in Redmond are not very well maintained. But after xrays and stuff I have a broken rib(my first broken bone), my left arm is all bruised up, a cut on my eyelid, bruise on my thigh, Road rash on my head (like a rug burn) and whiplash ! OH the joy!! The other driver was fine but his BMW was totalled too soooooo......I don't know what to do now but to leave it ALL to God!! He has His reasons for everything He even devoted a chapter in the bible in Ecclesiastes about there being a time for EVERYTHING!!! Just keep me in your prayers for a quick recovery!!
pictures to come :0)
pictures to come :0)
Majesty, worship his majesty
Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise.
Flow from his throne unto his own, his anthem raise.
So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus.
Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King.
Majesty, worship his majesty,
Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings!!!
Our God is sooooo Majestic...
Every thursday I am going to try to focus on a Attribute of God!!! What He is.
I am really into Music if haven't already noticed and I will try to add lyrics to my favorite hymns and or Christian Music that has somthing to do with God's Attirbutes!!! Enjoy!!
(Thank you Aim for the idea...your wordless wednesdays)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Being reminded...
I am constantly reminded how AWESOME my God is!!! Of how powerful He is and how perfect His strength is!!! I have been praying for a friend I work with and today we talked for 2 and a half hours while I was unpacking my stuff...I may add that I got a lot done today! Anyways while we were talking she was discussing how disobedient her boys are and how that every day they get a note sent home from their teachers and I don't have kids but I know from babysitting experience that kids don't like to sit and do nothing and she doesn't want to spank like she has in the past because One they are getting too big to hold down and 2 she feels terrible afterwards. So I mentioned that since they know how to write to have them sit at the dinner table and write 100 sentences for their disobedience and then take a privilege away for a period of time. She liked that so she is gonna try it out!! But then afterward is where the power of God steps in. She had been brought up going to Church and she stopped going and since she is a single mom of 3 kids(her daughter is a different story) but she keeps saying she wants one thing in her life that is stable. And she explained that she wanted to start going to Church again but she didn't want to go alone and I told her I would go with her if she wanted! So not this Sunday(she is taking her boys camping in a Teepee this weekend) we are gonna go to church together!!!
Now for the Strength part of God is just the mere fact that I just felt him carry me all day and that I just let him. He knew I was weak and I needed to just rest on him. I am reminded by a Song by Barlow Girl called "Never Alone"
Now for the Strength part of God is just the mere fact that I just felt him carry me all day and that I just let him. He knew I was weak and I needed to just rest on him. I am reminded by a Song by Barlow Girl called "Never Alone"
I waited for you today, but you didnt show
I needed you today but where did you go
you told me to call said you'd be there
though I haven't seen you
Are you still there??
And I cried out with no reply
and I cannot feel you by my side
so I will hold tight to what I know
You are here and I am never alone
And though I cannot see You
and I cannot explain why
such a deep deep reassurance
You have placed in my life
we can't seperate
cuz You're a part of me
and though You're invisible
I will trust the useen
Monday, September 17, 2007
Monday...the day after

Love and hugs
Friday, September 14, 2007
Washington, Washington, Washington...
What do I say at this point??? I realize how much stress I don't have back in Oregon! Don't get me wrong but I really don't miss it here. I have one more day of my garage sale in which I only made 2 whole dollars today...and then to Church and off I go with 2 cats and a dog intow!!! Which I don't recomend to even my worst enemy...if I had one. I just realized that I left A LOT of stress behind and I felt it while I was staying at my parents house this past week. My mom got drunk EVERY nite and my dad was still drinking, maybe not as much but enough for me to want to get mad at him which I did but didn't voice my opinion because I knew it would be in one ear and out the other. I know that in the back of his mind he doesn't care and that hurts but then again it's not my jpb to worry over things I cannot control. I had spent monday-wednesday going thru my storage unit with Jason and that was hard. He didn't make life easy cuz he was asking why I was taking so much stuff and I told him that I can use it and a lot of it was mine from childhood or family members plus he doesn't have a place to put it because he lives with his parents and if you have ever been to his parents you would know why...also because I didn't have all the time in the world I told him there are still a few things I know I have that he is gonna want and that when I get back to Oregon I would go thru everything more theroughly and then he was better.
Gizzmo has been such a good puppy that I am shocked that I was lucky to have a good dog!! He got to romp around with my parents dog "munchie" her real name is CE CE which my dad quickly changed after he got her from my gramma and grampa C. If I were to ever have a Pomeranian I would want an exact replica of Munchie...she is an awesome dog and a great cuddler too. But Gizzmo really was relentless to her all he wanted to do is drag her by her tail which was s
oooo cute because she let him!
So anyways I promised some pics the top one is of my cousin Ryan's daughter Kadence and Gizzmo and the one below is of me and Kadence and her brother A.J. We all got together for my Auntie Kims B-day on September 11 soooo much fun all 3 of my cousins were there and Ryans wife mad some oh my goodness YUMMY Chicken Enchiladas!!!! YEAH THEY WERE AWESOME!!!
That was the highlite of the time here pretty sad huh??? Wait I take that back I was also able to go out to lunch with Amy and Rylie( and I went to AWANA that nite to see all my close friends!!! That was awesome too but im tired don't forget I have a garage sale tomorrow soooooo you all know who you are!!!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I Can't sleep....
Ok so its 12:34 am and I have to wake up in 5 drive for 6 hours!!!! Yeah, woooohooo yippeeeeee. My first road trip with Gizzmo, should be interesting!!!! S0 I am here to bable a little. I had to work today and my friend Fawn found me a "love" seat for my new place and so after work I literally shoved it in my truck and oooooppppssss it was hard to take out, maybe I should have taken the offer of Fawn's to have her dad bring it over in his truck. But my friend Jessica and I pulled it out and now it looks sooooo cute in in my house :)
Yes one day I will post some pictures....ok so now it's 2 mins till 1am and I must have A.D.D. or something. cuz it really took me 24 mins to type the previous segment. I must be having a blond day. Have I mentioned in my previous blogs that I really not wanting to go home??? i guess I have to endure 1 week thats it. I talked to my dad yesterday and he went to his Dr's appointment on thursday and his DR. was impressed by my dads progress and told him he could have a beer or a glass of wine but no hard alcohol. Which kinda upsets me but then again it's my dad's life not mine. I haven't talked to my mom since my dad was in the hospital. To make a long story short in which maybe later I will give out the whole story, but Sandy and I were trying to make plans to meet up with my mom and dad on our way from my aunt and uncles house and my mom hung up on my sister over a remark that my mom needs to quit drinking as well to be able to help my dad. So then we (sandy and I ) decided that it wasn't imprtant for us to see her or dad because she had everything in control that she was gonna continue to drink and "hide" it from dad...Sorry but she cant hide being drunk and so we said good bye to gramma and left...I felt bad because then my dad called when were almost in Oregon and he sounded sad and I felt sad because it wasn't his fault. When we called my mom her excuse was that she hadn't had her pot of coffee yet and that noon was a better time to meet up. We didn't want to be home late because we had already missed a week of work and we had to work the next day. So besides going thru my stuff with Jason, I also have to deal with my mom because when she comes home from work she hits the bottle. OH WELL!!!! I know that god will help me thru it all and I just have to trust that what I am is the right thing and that it's in God's will!!!
Love all you lots
Yes one day I will post some pictures....ok so now it's 2 mins till 1am and I must have A.D.D. or something. cuz it really took me 24 mins to type the previous segment. I must be having a blond day. Have I mentioned in my previous blogs that I really not wanting to go home??? i guess I have to endure 1 week thats it. I talked to my dad yesterday and he went to his Dr's appointment on thursday and his DR. was impressed by my dads progress and told him he could have a beer or a glass of wine but no hard alcohol. Which kinda upsets me but then again it's my dad's life not mine. I haven't talked to my mom since my dad was in the hospital. To make a long story short in which maybe later I will give out the whole story, but Sandy and I were trying to make plans to meet up with my mom and dad on our way from my aunt and uncles house and my mom hung up on my sister over a remark that my mom needs to quit drinking as well to be able to help my dad. So then we (sandy and I ) decided that it wasn't imprtant for us to see her or dad because she had everything in control that she was gonna continue to drink and "hide" it from dad...Sorry but she cant hide being drunk and so we said good bye to gramma and left...I felt bad because then my dad called when were almost in Oregon and he sounded sad and I felt sad because it wasn't his fault. When we called my mom her excuse was that she hadn't had her pot of coffee yet and that noon was a better time to meet up. We didn't want to be home late because we had already missed a week of work and we had to work the next day. So besides going thru my stuff with Jason, I also have to deal with my mom because when she comes home from work she hits the bottle. OH WELL!!!! I know that god will help me thru it all and I just have to trust that what I am is the right thing and that it's in God's will!!!
Love all you lots
Friday, September 7, 2007
Psalms 119:105
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my Feet
and a light unto my path"
This is my favorite verse in the Bible. I have been down in the dumps the last few days and every time I want to think of a verse for encouragement I dwell on this verse. Its amazing how god doesn't speak to us out loud but He ALWAYS gives us verses. The fact that He hears our thoughts just makes me break down sometimes. He makes me just sit bck and let Him take control of the things I can't control. This verse says it all that He is MY LIGHT and that I know that as long as I keep Him first in my life that this light He gives me will ever go out but once I loose focus I can't see, the light is off.
Random thoughts....
I was awaken to a wet tongue with a slight scent of puppy(hotdog) breath this 7am!!!!! UGHHHHH oh well somebody needed to go potty. It felt great to be wanted. I have been the last few days been really thinking about my trip home for the week. I have to go thru my storage unit with my soon to be ex-husband and it's taring me to pieces. I know that over all it is the ight thing to do to be divorced from Jason but its hard to fathom. And I know I seem to repeat myself at times but just to write(type) out my feelings and thoughts helps. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be married again or if I will be able to trust another man again or will I compare the other to Jason. Today is just ne of those days and I really don't want to go home on Sunday for these reasons...9 years of memories all in a storage unit getting ready to be someone elses memories(garage sale)
I am going to walmart today to develope some pictures(yes i still use film) ones I hope i can post on my site so you all can see!!! my friend Fawn has a digital camera and she said I could borrow it too soooo one day!!!!
When I get back from Washington I am gonna have a co-worker Matt help me with weight training. He use to live down the LBC(long beach, CA) and was a personal trainer for lots of people. He's gonna show mw how to get rid and tone my flab that I have since I have lost weight. I am 2 1/2 sizes down in pant size since last november and because I don't have a scale yet I am not sure how much I have actually lost. I will know when I see my Gramma Dollie.
But Matt and his family are really sweet people. Matt and I work together at Dominos. I am suppose to be managing closing shifts by the end of the summer but I have been delivering pizzas more so I can save my money for my trip to Washington. Ok so i need to go for now but I will write more when I get home tonite from work...
TTFN(tigger lingo: ta ta for now)
I am going to walmart today to develope some pictures(yes i still use film) ones I hope i can post on my site so you all can see!!! my friend Fawn has a digital camera and she said I could borrow it too soooo one day!!!!
When I get back from Washington I am gonna have a co-worker Matt help me with weight training. He use to live down the LBC(long beach, CA) and was a personal trainer for lots of people. He's gonna show mw how to get rid and tone my flab that I have since I have lost weight. I am 2 1/2 sizes down in pant size since last november and because I don't have a scale yet I am not sure how much I have actually lost. I will know when I see my Gramma Dollie.
But Matt and his family are really sweet people. Matt and I work together at Dominos. I am suppose to be managing closing shifts by the end of the summer but I have been delivering pizzas more so I can save my money for my trip to Washington. Ok so i need to go for now but I will write more when I get home tonite from work...
TTFN(tigger lingo: ta ta for now)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
My New LOVE....
So since I moved into my cousins apartment on their property I also decided that I need a puppy. So in due time I will be posting baby pics of him. His name is Gizzmo. He has been the bestest friend and companion in the last week. Last nite I was sitting on the floor and besides my chair I have a trash can and in it was a big black beetle so I picked it up and put it on the rug and let Gizzmo play!!! I did get some pics and will post them eventually. We are still trying to potty train and its so far going good couple of accidents but that comes with the territory of having a new baby....I know he doesn't like to be scolded or disaplined but who does. It seems like he gets his feelings hurt and so he puts his head down and looks cute and then I have to hold him. He will probably expect that when he is older too. I may have created a monster :) Forgive my spelling errors but he is part schnouzer, jack russel and mini doberman pincer. And just his personality alone shows all 3 breeds.
Christ likeness part 2...
So as a kid and going thru school I was always told if you don't understand what the teacher is talking about don't be afraid to ask questions. God doesn't expect us to understand everything all at once thats why He tells us to grow in the word. And our responsibility as a listener is to keep pursuing, asking questions until we understand. Matthew 13:20~And when the seed feell on the rocky place this is the man who hears the word and recieves it with joy but yet has no firm root in himself and when trouble or problems arise he/she falls away...(paraphrased)
And so my next point is that when you are not on a solid ground it just crumbles apart like the man who built his house on the sand. Sand is not a good support system by itsself maybe by adding other materials to make it solid but not by itself. And thats when books and Pastors and friends come in. Those that have had more time growing can help us understand more,they can bring it down to laymans terms.
We also need to keep showing up being involved in our Church doing things that matter to God. Whatever we do don't quit, stick to it and look to our problems as blessings rather than a hinderence...James 1:2-4 says:"consider it all JOY when we encounter various trials and know that these trials tests our faith and produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result...So that we can be perfect, complete and lack nothing"
I don't know about you but I want to be perfect as perfect as I can be in this world,which brings me to point 4. All the trials in our lives can bring us out of focus and thats the seed that fell among the thorns. We get sooo caught up in the mundane things in life that we start to let the worries of life choke our spiritual life to death. We are told to Seek first his kingdom which is I feel priority to God.
Its amazing how God reveals Himself at different roads in our lives or on a journey that we embark on but don't know where its gonna go. And this is where I am at now in my life...Im on a journey in another state away from my family and Church and I could just hear the word on Sunday and the rest of the week be a different person but its the knowing that whenever I am right with God and that I am obedient He blesses me.
And so my next point is that when you are not on a solid ground it just crumbles apart like the man who built his house on the sand. Sand is not a good support system by itsself maybe by adding other materials to make it solid but not by itself. And thats when books and Pastors and friends come in. Those that have had more time growing can help us understand more,they can bring it down to laymans terms.
We also need to keep showing up being involved in our Church doing things that matter to God. Whatever we do don't quit, stick to it and look to our problems as blessings rather than a hinderence...James 1:2-4 says:"consider it all JOY when we encounter various trials and know that these trials tests our faith and produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result...So that we can be perfect, complete and lack nothing"
I don't know about you but I want to be perfect as perfect as I can be in this world,which brings me to point 4. All the trials in our lives can bring us out of focus and thats the seed that fell among the thorns. We get sooo caught up in the mundane things in life that we start to let the worries of life choke our spiritual life to death. We are told to Seek first his kingdom which is I feel priority to God.
Its amazing how God reveals Himself at different roads in our lives or on a journey that we embark on but don't know where its gonna go. And this is where I am at now in my life...Im on a journey in another state away from my family and Church and I could just hear the word on Sunday and the rest of the week be a different person but its the knowing that whenever I am right with God and that I am obedient He blesses me.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I have been reading the book of Matthew for my daily devotions and came across Matthew 13. In this particular chapter in Matthew Jesus is speaking in a parable. For those who don't know what a parable is, it is a heavenly story with an earthly meaning. So in this parable(shorten condenced version) Jesus was sitting by the sea and a crowd came upon Him and He started to talk to the crowd about the parable of the sower which talks about seeds falling into different types of soil or in different places, so He explains the different reasons why the seeds will grow the way they do and then He compares and contrasts about how we grow or choke in our daily walk being a child of God. Verse 19 says: When anyone hears the word of the Kingdom, and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one seed whom was sown right by the road.
This is the point Christ is telling us to listen to be repititious. James 1:19 we are told be quick to hear and take our time trying to mad. And basicly to be silent and slow down. Especially in this day and age we try to cram everything in one day and sometimes we need to take a break of the things that don't matter in Gods eyes but mean a lot to us. I believe that Jesus is telling us that do what you need to do to get by but also not to loose focus on Gods word because I know first hand anytime you decide to take a break from God life just falls apart and some of us will stay away. But when you don't think He is there or not listening thats when we need to reevaluate what things in my life are pleasing and just to our creator. Like be head deep in the Bible to gain more knowledge to fend off satan and his lackies, and to be able to fight our own spiritual war...
This is the point Christ is telling us to listen to be repititious. James 1:19 we are told be quick to hear and take our time trying to mad. And basicly to be silent and slow down. Especially in this day and age we try to cram everything in one day and sometimes we need to take a break of the things that don't matter in Gods eyes but mean a lot to us. I believe that Jesus is telling us that do what you need to do to get by but also not to loose focus on Gods word because I know first hand anytime you decide to take a break from God life just falls apart and some of us will stay away. But when you don't think He is there or not listening thats when we need to reevaluate what things in my life are pleasing and just to our creator. Like be head deep in the Bible to gain more knowledge to fend off satan and his lackies, and to be able to fight our own spiritual war...
(will write more later time to go to bed)
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Ok so now I am moved to my new place out in Powell Butte, OR and its really weird being on my own!! OK so I live like 50 feet from the main house that my cousin and her family live in but, I can come and go as I please and if I want to go and bug them I can do that too :-)
I will be home on the 9th of september and will be going thru my storage unit and get rid of the contents of the storage at a garage sale....and then I will be uhaualing me, Tigger, Yoda, Gizzmo(my new puppy) and all my junk back down here to start my new life!!!! I will try to see as many people as I can while I am home. I have started the divorce process which has been hard it took me a couple weeks to actually sign the paperwork but I did and I feel better but still sad at times!!! I am noticing now that there are songs on the radio that I have to change when it first comes on. I will write more later but leave me notes or somthing!!!
love all you
I will be home on the 9th of september and will be going thru my storage unit and get rid of the contents of the storage at a garage sale....and then I will be uhaualing me, Tigger, Yoda, Gizzmo(my new puppy) and all my junk back down here to start my new life!!!! I will try to see as many people as I can while I am home. I have started the divorce process which has been hard it took me a couple weeks to actually sign the paperwork but I did and I feel better but still sad at times!!! I am noticing now that there are songs on the radio that I have to change when it first comes on. I will write more later but leave me notes or somthing!!!
love all you
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