Friday, October 31, 2008


HMMMM not sure what to say but that today I wish I was a kid so I can get FREE candy!!! HEHEHEHEHE!!! Anyways I was just thinking about all the years my sister and I would go Trick or Treating and one year my gramma Dollie made Witche's Brew...don't know what it was made with but I remember she had the apartment decorated and green lights in the lamps and her big pan of witche's brew! Or many times I would go out with my cousins and then we would come back home and inspect our candy for poison pieces of candy. Luckily I never had apples with razor blades! Although my favorite memories are of the Harvest party my Church back home put on! LOTS of games and LOTS...TONS of candy to make a mom run for the hills after her kids have eaten a lot! But now Im 30 and I can't go trick or treating! I guess thats a good thing! Candy isn't really good for me anyways so I guess the thought is always fun!

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