Sunday, October 19, 2008

How to convey my true feelings!

I have had the the hardest 3 days this past week! Friday early morning I woke up with a raging headache and threw up and was ill feeling the rest of the day along with saturday! On top of it all I was rejected at Target and that just made life even more upsetting since I have bills piling up and no revenue to take care of it all! AND IM NOT ASKING FOR HELP!!!! Right now the job circut is just a huge void in this area unless if you want to work for Ronald McDonald! And frankly I don't think having a clown for a boss would suit me!

On top of all this I have been REALLY MISSING MY DAD! At time I can't hardly stand it! I just keep it all to my self and then explode in tears! I hear songs and see things and just wish I had just one more minute! But I do know that God knows the time and day we leave this world and we can't controll that at all! I know my life or this world doesn't revolve around my dad but yet I feel the constant pain of not being able to talk to him! Or to send him pictures he would gloat about or make him come down here to visit! All this and with the Holidays around the corner doesn't help! At times my thoughts are just thoughts and I can never really get out what I want to say! I know that God is throwing this hurdle at me! Why??? I don't know. Church today was missionaries so I really didn't get any spiritual food! I am sooo waiting for my John McArther devotional book!
these are just whats going on inmy crazey brain!

1 comment:

God Made Playdough said...

Praying for you! Read the Psalms, they have been so comforting to me! They remind me that God does hear us and He offers hope, joy, peace, and comfort! Love you!