Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Why is it when the money is gone and life seems going down a downward spiral and all you do is sink into a hole and don't leave? I have not had any luck finding a job and sometimes I feel like I am a slave of money that my master is my self trying to live and right now it obviously isn't working! Then I read a verse today:
Romans 14:7~8
None of us lives as our own master and none of us dies as our own master. While we live we are responsible to the Lord, and when we die we dia as Christ's servants. Both in life and death WE are the LORDS.

I think that I have figured out why I really haven't gotten a job....maybe because I wasn't GIVING IT ALL TO GOD like I thought I was but now after reading this verse I feel that God is telling me that He is the only one that I have to please and that EVERYTHING I do is in his name. I pray daily for God to help me find work but my heart attitude probably wasn't right. My worries were paying bills and putting gas in my car, or wanting to go and buy some new clothes since the weather is getting colder. And I have been trying to rely on ME not God! Im not my own Master and thankfuly so because I have not been pleased with my self and if a master is not pleased with his or her servant then there are consequences...Right??? Hence no job.
I was soooo bummed last weekend, that I wanted to come home because I knew I could have my job back at the deli or at the parks and rec department for Auburn. But then that just shows that I was running away from my problems rather than facing them strait down the barrel. I need Prayer I need it for 1. a job 2. that I just TRUST THE LORDS TIMING! 3. that I have peace.

1 comment:

God Made Playdough said...

Selfishly, I want you to come home!!! I miss you! :)