Saturday, July 12, 2008

10 Years

So yesterday would or still kinda is my 10 year wedding anniversary. I honestly thought Iwould have been emotionally crazey with all the events in the last 20 days(since my bday). But I have to say that day doesn't mean anything to me any more! Don't get me wrong there were great days and I will always remember them but trying to forget the bad ones is what I am trying to do. Only time!!!!
I was asked last night if I had any regrets in my life. I said "no". I am a FIRM believer that we are given situations for a reason and sometimes things have to be hard to get to the point we need to be. At this point I am VERY HAPPY!!! Not depressed like I was a year ago. I am doing things that I LOVE to do.
Its funny 10 years ago on July 11th I couldn't wait to be Mrs. Jason Stewart, now I can't wait till my name changes back to Ms. Wendy Marie Culbertson.
I feel privaledged that my dad was able to walk me down the aisle and give me away.
But I am moving on to bigger and better things! I will be soon having another blog. It's gonna be fishing diaries!!! With pictures!(im still keeping this one)
Love you all

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