Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's been awhile

Ok so I haven't written in a while and it's only because our computer here is super duper sloooooooooooow and lately it doesn't want to load up blogger!!!!
We have been having a DUMPING of snow here and I LOVE IT!!! This will be my first White Christmas that I can remember. I am having a difficult time with the season though! Last year I was able to go home and be with my family up in Washington. My dad for our family get together my dad dressed up like Santa. The whole family loved it especially the kids! My dad of all just LOVED doing it and watching the kids! We all got pictures with Santa and told him what we wanted for Christmas and as I was sitting on his lap I told him I was a good girl and that I wanted a car for Christmas, since I was in an accident 2 months prior and needed some wheels!
So the next morning(Christmas) I opened all my presents and low and behold I got a car! But not what you think! It was my dream car '69 dodge charger but only a hotwheel version! But we both started to laugh and it was just the both of us because it was between my daddy and me!
I didn't really think I was going to have such a hard time this Christmas season but I am! Not having a job has been the icing on the cake. Not even sending Christmas cards to my family or buying gifts for every one is the hard! But really not having my dad around is has been the hardest thing for me to endure! Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get over it all but only Gods knows!
Another hard thing for me is that I won't be able to go to my Valley Bible anymore! We merged with another Church and the other building is much bigger to hold both congregations! I wanted to be at the last service but unfortunately the weather and the lack of transportation is the reason. I have sooooo many memories there at Valley! And I will always hold them all dear to my heart!
The one thing that has been a joy to me is recieving the few Christmas card from family and friends!
I love you all and wish the Merriest and happiest Christmas with your family and friends. Be safe and good to eachother!
I love you all!

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