Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas meaning!!

I just got off the phine with my dad about an hour ago. We had a conversation about Christmas eve this year with my family and how he was thinking about buying or renting a Santa suit for all the little kids in the family. Young and old! My first picture with Santa! In that conversation he had mentioned that he was reading the Bible for the meaning of Christmas...I was sooo overwhelmed with joy but angry at the same time, only because my grampa Bob wasn't here to see this or hear him say that! He than said to make lighter side of the subject he said he hasn't gotten thru the geneology of it all yet! But I told him to write out his thoughts of the meaning of Christmas and that I would send him my version! And when I say my version he is gonna KNOW why we celebrate that BEAUTIFUL baby every year! I know my dad knows! I know that he knows he is a sinner and because that Baby was born as man He was to take the sin's of all mankind to save us from ETERNAL DEATH!!! I know my dad knows this I know he knows he is sinning and that God is out creator and our supplier when we need Him, He is our great physician, only God can heal us from all our pain, sorrow and grief! That He simply just loves us for who we are! I know my dad knows all this! Why we celebrate Christmas one day a year I will never know??? OK I kinda do, so that we don't go broke....2008 is the year to CELEBRATE!!!
Celebrate the Christ that was born to save us, let's celebrate the child that would grow to be a man of teaching and healing, the man that would go and show the LOVE of God. The God that would give up His son so that we may live forever! WOW What a year this will be!!! Each day this year I will earnastly blog one thing to celebrate for the year!! If I were to miss one I will never miss two and will catch up!!! 365 days of celebrating Christ!!!! Ce;ebrating God!!!!!

1 comment:

God Made Playdough said...

I can't wait to read your'e blog every day! I miss you! That is so awesome that you're Dad was reading the Bible!
You should read Ryan's blog about Christmas, it's really good too.
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