Sunday, November 4, 2007

Prayer really works!!!

Ok sooo Happy Belated Halloween! It was a good one for me! I had my arainment fro my accident(I got the ticket) and the Judge asked me how I plead and I got teary eyed and replied,"I guess guilty" I have never been before a judge and it frightened me a little. I didn't sleep at all the nite before and woke up sick to my stomach too. So by the time I saw the Judge I was ready to ralph!!! But thank God I didn't. I was 4th in line to speak with the dude and so he asked me if I have ever had any accidents in the last 5 years and I said "No" then he asked if I had any tickets in the last 5 years and I said "yes, 4 days before the accident." So I had to explain myself and so then he gave me 2 options! 1: pay the 225 dollar fine or 2: go to traffic Safety class.....UM....big decision here....Ill take traffic safety class!
I hope every one is well! I am feeling better but still don't have a car so it's a little frustrating. Not being able to go when I want to have to keep my puppy in a kennel when I am gone and sometimes it's all day. Yea my cousin lets him out when I am gone but I don't think other people should be caring for my animal. Oh well!
Ok short and sweet got to get ready for Church!


God Made Playdough said...

I had to go to traffic school. It's not so bad, I acctually learned a few things. I'm so glad you don't have to pay the ticket!

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