Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I am BOYCOTTING any form of Alcohol in my life!! No having a glass of wine with dinner, not gonna have a cold beer with a friend, Believe it or not I'm not gonna even COOK with it! Im mad, REALLY MAD!!! I just found out yesterday that my God mother is dying with cerosis(cant spell and spell check isn't working) of the liver!!!

After having to deal with my dad in the hospital with drinking related problems and my mom on her way down the same path, I now have another special person in my life that I get to see suffer because of the choices that they made!! Im mad because I just don't understand why? Why lie that you are sober and then keep drinking anyways?? I mean I really have no room to talk after having my own problem with addiction to smoking(I have quit). My dad for instance...He was told that he should never put another alcoholic beverage into his body as he is leaving the hospital this summer and then he goes and sees his regular doctor who tells him that ONE drink a week is ok not one or two a nite. And then my mom doesn't stop drinking nor slow down the intake of how much she drinks, in front of my dad. So naturally he is gonna want to have a drink too.

I know why God alows these things to happen it just hurts and there is nothing I can do!
IM just frustrated that it's happening to the people I love so dearly and now at the rate that my mom drinks she's heading down the same road! I am a state away and I think that has helped me to deal with the things that I can't control!
Even my own husband has had problems with his drinking too. I have't been around him in 6 months to see how he is and now it's not my concern anymore. I guess everyone has that free will to live the way they want to.

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