Saturday, May 26, 2007

Stormy Weather

The one thing that I have learned just recently from my beloved Pastor during my week of crying and wondering when all this pain I was feeling would all go away and end, is that I wasn't praising God during the roughest, rockiest time in my life, I wasn't "praising HIM in the Storm"
Oh sure I was Praising Him for all the good in my life, I was thanking Him for my Church, my family, my health and everything in between. I was asking for direction and help with my situations, how to approach the fact that I have to witness to my unsaved family members. But yet I still didn't think to PRAISE God for my problems. The problems He allows for us to deal with and yet he tells us that He would never give us more than we can handle. We seem to always focus on all the good things in our lives and then when life hands us a low blow we forget that the same God who gave us all those good things also brings us back down to earth to prove that we are still human.
The whole book of Job talks about how Job was a great, obedient man of God and when Job was at his lowest of lows having lost his whole family except his wife, having to deal with a lot of problems he still stayed true to HIS God our Heavenly Father. God protected him when his friends turned from him even when his wife ridiculed him. He stayed true to or AWESOME GOD!!! His life was destroyed but yet a man so powerless still praised God! The God who gives and takes away and yet in the end God gave Job a new family. God blessed him for being obedient!
We were created to whorship God, we are here for His pleasure! At times it feels He isn't there and that's when we seem to loose sight of what He commands of us, to be obedient to Him. And that's when He sometimes makes our lives a little bit harder, when nothing goes right and then we break into 2! Then that's when we need to refocus our priorities and start praising and thanking God for everything even our Storms!!
Praise You in the Storm
by Casting Crowns
I was sure by now that you would have reached
down and wiped our tears away.
Stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say "AMEN"and
it's still raining!
As the thunder rolls I barely hear your whisper
through the rain "I'M WITH YOU!"
And your mercy falls, I raise my hands and praise the
God who gives and takes away!
I'll praise you in the storm and I will lift my hands!
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I cried you hold in your hands!
You never left my side and though my heart is torn...
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again my strength is almost gone
How can I carry on if I can't find you
I lift my eyes unto the hills
where does my help come from
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth


God Made Playdough said...

I love you so much! You really are an inspiration to me! I'm sorry I haven't been there more for you! Like I said on my text I really have learned alot from you! Because of your obediance, God is makeing you strong and really using you in people's lives! You are such an encouragement to me and others! I love you!

God Made Playdough said...

Ryan just gave me this quote by Thomas Watson we thought you'd like: "If God be our God, then though we may feel the stroke of evil, yet not the sting. He must needs be happy who is in such a condition, that nothing can hurt him. If he lose his name, it is written in the book of life; if he lose his liberty, his conscience is free; if he lose his estate, he is possesed of the pearl of price; if he meets with storms, he knows where to put in for harbor; and God is his God, and heaven is his heaven."

Ryan and Stephanie said...

Hi Wendy,
It's been a long time since I've seen you. Maybe since my Dad's wedding to Kim or was it at your wedding? Either way, that just shows you how long it's been. I've stopped by your blog occasionally, but never written.
In any case, I believe that God can do amazing things to save a marriage. I do pray for you when I read your blog. If there's anything that really strikes a cord on my heart it's saving a marriage. I KNOW the importance of it. I am quite convinced that Jesus and me are of the same mind in this department, or at least very close.