Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Goin back to Washington...more stress

I was asked by my dad to come home and help him out while he dies...thats how he put it! WOW what a bold question to ask of a child. One of the reason's I moved to central Oregon was to get away from the element of my parents' drinking addictions! I don't know how to feel, I do feel, however, that after all these years of taking care of my mother in law I some how need to do the same for my parent! Especially my pappa! I for once in a decade did something for my self to become more healthier and happier and that was move away from the stressful life I was in and become independant and do things for Wendy....and now I feel really anxious and unsure about it all being up in washington!
I am thankful I will have a job and that I am able to go to church at my church! I am sooo thankful that I still have my friends and loved ones to count on when I need a shoulder! I will have my puppy to keep me busy too!
The reason I am coming home is that my dad has not been doing to well! He told me that he feels like he is dying every day and that some days he doesn't get out of bed. The other day he fell and couldn't get up by himself and his legs are soo swollen that it hurts to walk, sit or lay...
I do feel that this is an oppertunity to witness to my parents and be a servant and spend what ever time I can with my dad whether it be the best or not!
I still dont have a car and so Sandy and Justin will be bringing me back to washington! I am excited to see my new cousin who as of this minute has not made his appearance into this world...Hurry Tristan!
God Bless

1 comment:

God Made Playdough said...

Oh Wendy! I'm so sorry about your Dad! Maybe your testimony during this time will help him come to know the Lord! I will be praying for you! Selfishly, I'm excited that you will be coming home! When will you be here? I'll try to email you too! Love you!